I’ve been thinking a lot about the fundamentals of work, life balance lately.
The relationship between work and life is blurred when a company is small. I mean really small.
A small startup of just a few founders or even a single founder are synonymous to the company. Almost all individual interests are engrained into the culture, work ethic, and product.
As people change and grow in small companies, the company will change the same as it’s members. A small company is only a function of the people inside it. Team is everything.
Over time, companies grow, and so do people. Not only by advancing skills or professional traits, it could be due to new life experiences; marriage, travel, new family additions, pursuing higher education, dogs, et cetera.
This has gotten me thinking; What fuels the growth of the company with direct proportion to the growth of the individual?
Looking back at the life situations I mentioned above, they all have to do with one verb that I think might be the fuel for growth. Giving.
Giving one’s time to another, giving time for yourself to experience new things, giving effort to pursue goals. I’m starting to think that the act of giving is the singular most important factor to growth in all factors of life.
I think we can bundle these into three concepts.
Wealth is the potential to enable yourself and others.
Giving is the act of sacrificing assets to achieve a desired outcome.
Growth is the experience you gain from giving.
A company’s growth is fueled by the levels of give from both the individual and company.
If the company does not invest in it’s individuals, then there will be no give which could result in experience learned by giving.
The reverse is true for the individuals. If they are unwilling to do incredible things to the best of their abilities, they will not be giving optimally and thus not gaining experience which ultimately makes them a more valuable professional.
Food for thought the next time you reassess relationships personally and professionally.